BOE "Insights" Articles
Board of Education Insights 2023-2024
- April 2024
- Insights
The Pittsford Board of Education is heavily invested in advocacy efforts to support all students within the District. As members of the Monroe County School Boards Association (MCSBA), we participate in year-round legislative work that enables our District to remain closely connected with lawmakers and government officials at all levels, at all times...
- Insights
- March 2024
Although budgeting for an organization like PCSD is a year-round collaborative process involving many people, this time of year is when budgeting activity peaks. The Board of Education’s first budget work session was on...
- February 2024
- Insights
So much of the focus of our Board and administration is on the work we do within our buildings to support our students in their educational journey. However, a big part of our mission as a District is to teach students how to be independent, healthy, resilient, and compassionate contributors to our community and beyond...
- Insights
- January 2024
As the Board of Education, we have to think about many stakeholders: students, teachers, staff, administrators, parents, community members, etc. How do our stakeholders think we are doing? Are our policies, initiatives and efforts supporting them...
- December 2023
- Insights
With the year in full swing and so many amazing things happening, the Board of Education feels November is an appropriate time to take a step back and express our gratitude to students, families, caregivers, employees, and the broader Pittsford community for all they do in support of the crown jewel of our community, its schools...
- Insights
- November 2023
It’s fall again in Pittsford and this time of year makes it difficult to imagine living somewhere without four distinct seasons. The school year is underway, warm clothes are getting pulled out of storage, sports are in full swing, the days are getting shorter but the leaves are getting...
- Insights
- October 2023
As the summer months come to a close, it’s time to look ahead to the start of our new school year. On Thursday, September 7, 2023, we officially welcome students for an exciting new year...
- Insights
- September 2023