Pittsford Pride
Citizenship Recognition
The Pittsford Central School District Board of Education members are very proud of the many and ongoing achievements and accolades that PCSD students receive. The Board of Education wishes they could recognize every student for every accomplishment. In an effort to focus on a specific area of recognition, they charged the superintendent to meet with focus groups of students at the elementary, middle and high school levels to determine the best course of action. Students were selected to serve on the focus group by their principals and counselors based on the criteria of being positive leaders/role models. Without exception, every student at every grade level felt that the District should focus on citizenship for Pittsford Pride recognition. Students collectively felt that every student could choose to be a “good person” but they could not necessarily choose to be a good musician, athlete, mathematician, etc. To that end, the Board of Education will now formally recognize one student from each of the nine schools for outstanding citizenship. These recognitions will take place at various board meetings. During the board meeting, the nominating letters for each recipient will be read; students will receive a certificate and additional recognitions based on their respective level (elementary, middle, high school).
Selection Process
Any staff member can nominate a student by completing the form on the back of this page and submitting it to their school’s main office. A building level team will review the nominations and select one student whom they feel best deserves the recognition from their respective building. All students that were nominated will be notified either by mail, in person or a phone call. The selected student and his/her family will be notified by a building administrator and invited to attend the Board of Education meeting for formal recognition.
Building level selection committees will consist of members that know a broad range of students (counselors, administrators, nurses, teachers). The candidates for the award will be selected one week prior to the various board meetings.