Town - Village - School District Compact
Pittsford Town-Village-School Collaboration Compact – 2018
On June 14, 2018, the leadership of Pittsford’s Town, Village, and School District came together for an annual joint workshop where they reviewed and signed the Collaborative Leadership Compact, which provides for communication and resource sharing for the good of the Pittsford community.
The Compact confirms a collaborative partnership unique to Pittsford. The Supervisor, Mayor and School Superintendent meet together in regularly scheduled meetings throughout the year, with a joint workshop of the three boards every summer. The Compact has been signed by Board members of the three entities each year since 2003. It outlines the group’s ongoing commitment to open and clear communication, sharing resources and working together for the benefit of all Pittsford residents.
The shared mission of these entities is the betterment of all who live, work, play and learn in the Pittsford community. Regular meetings with the three organization’s leaders are held to discuss common issues and ways to collaborate. Past efforts have included emergency planning, loaning heavy equipment and sharing IT resources. These agreements save taxpayer dollars and build a stronger community.
The Compact was signed by the elected members and leaders of the Town, Village and School District in support of the following guiding principles of collaboration:
Partnership – Actively listen, be respectful and be open minded while learning about the issues and priorities of each board and determine how to support and assist each other through collaboration.
Communication – Create open and ongoing dialogue to learn about, and to better understand the different roles and positions of the three participating boards and their members. Adhere to the longstanding practice of each entity speaking to each other and to the public with one voice in expressing its policies or positions, respectively through the Mayor, the Superintendent, and the Supervisor.
Decision-making – Understand the complexities and nuances that each decision may entail. Work together to understand and identify both problems and opportunities while striving towards a process and an approach that builds consensus and good will across the boards and community.
Professionalism – Be available and flexible, look for and build upon interdependencies while displaying ethical, courteous, civil, and honest behaviors.
Mutual Respect – Respect the legal jurisdiction and mission of each partner organization. When conflicts do arise, initiate dialog early, be open to compromise an avoid surprises.
Each representative of the Pittsford Town Council and Supervisor, the Village of Pittsford Board of Trustees and Mayor, and the Pittsford Central School District Board of Education and Superintendent, signed the compact agreeing to adhere to all aspects of the Collaboration Compact principles.
Pittsford Town, Village and School Boards at the 2018 Collaborative Leadership Workshop
Pittsford Schools Superintendent Michael Pero, Town Supervisor Bill Smith, and Village Mayor Bob Corby signing the 2018 Collaboration Compact
Collaboration Compact Background
In 2003, the leaders of Pittsford's Town, Village and School District formalized their practices and intentions regarding cooperation among the municipalities by entering into a written Collaborative Compact for the first time. Preceded by a long history of cooperation on various projects, the Leadership Team of the School Superintendent, Village Mayor and Town Supervisor was created to provide a formal and ongoing forum to facilitate and increase collaboration and information sharing among the Town, the Village and the School District. The Compact is reviewed and renewed each year.
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