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2023 Capital Improvement Project

March 28, 2023

The March 28, 2023, Pittsford Central School District Capital Improvement Project vote passed. Thank you to the PCSD community for your support.

The results are as follows: 2,283 total voters

Capital Improvement Project Budget: $69,822,169

Yes: 1,981

No: 302

The capital improvement project for Pittsford Central School District includes $69,822,169 in repairs and renovations with no planned increase in the tax levy due to State Aid and capital reserves covering more than 75% of the total budget. The timing of the project coincides with repayment of debt from previous projects, so the remaining cost of this new project will be covered by the drop in debt.

The core of the work includes fortifying main entrances with double-door vestibules, securing large areas of assembly with intruder locks, and installing emergency generators at each of our nine school buildings.

January 19, 2023

A Message from Superintendent Pero: Capital Improvement Project Focuses on Safety and Security Renovations and Addresses Instructional Inequity

Every day our students are encouraged to “be their best, do their best and make a difference in the lives of others.” The ability to meet this mission at Pittsford Schools requires a collaborative effort between the District and its stakeholders. The support and commitment of the Pittsford community allows us to invest in our resources to create a student-centered supportive environment for all.

On March 28, the District will take a vote to residents for a proposed capital improvement project. This plan has been years in development (paused during COVID) by reviewing the State Education Department (SED) required building condition survey report, collecting feedback through regular District and building level meetings, analyzing costs and finding ways to leverage the maximum amount of State Aid. After prioritizing the $300 million of repairs and renovations in the SED building condition survey report, the final scope of work is focused on health, safety and science classrooms.

Our students’ and staff’s safety and security is always at the forefront of our focus, which is why the proposed project includes securing entrances with double-door vestibules, adding large-area-of-assembly locks, and emergency generators across all nine buildings. In addition, the District will also repurpose and update underutilized areas to create dedicated spaces for students to meet with mental health providers like social workers, behavior specialists, psychologists, and counselors to address escalating student mental health needs.

An additional priority within the project includes addressing inequities in instructional spaces at the secondary level. Sutherland High School and Calkins Road Middle School received significant renovations in the last major project. Therefore, we will be turning our attention to Mendon High School and Barker Road Middle School to provide updates that will bring all four of our secondary schools more in line, particularly with Science and technology classrooms. Additional renovations include removing the portable classroom trailers at Barker Road Middle School, reconfiguring common areas, and closing the swimming pool due to its unsustainable structure and repurposing that space for fitness and multipurpose. Mendon High School science classrooms will be renovated, resulting in an addition dedicated to science. There will be enhancements to the swimming pool area, and new tennis courts and pickleball courts will be constructed for PE and community use.

We feel that the timing is right to make these renovations and improvements to better serve our students as PCSD has paid off a major portion of debt acquired from previous capital project. In addition, through a capital project, the District can access state building aid to cover an estimated 76% of the total financing, while utilizing $14 million in capital reserves, therefore, there is no planned increase in the tax levy as it relates to this capital project.

I encourage you to read more about the 2023 capital improvement project and join us at our upcoming public forums at 6:30 p.m. on January 31 (Barker Road Middle School cafeteria) and February 8 at 6:30 p.m. (Mendon High School commons). For our Board of Education, our nearly 6,000 students and more than 1,150 employees, I thank you for your consideration on vote day, March 28 from 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. at the Barker Road Middle School gymnasium.

January 17, 2023

Meeting Notice
The Pittsford Central School District Board of Education will hold a Special Board Meeting in the McCluski Room, Barker Road Middle School, on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., to approve a resolution to hold a Capital Project Vote on March 28, 2023.

December 14, 2022

Capital Improvement Project Under Consideration
An updated referendum proposal was presented to the Board of Education at its regular meeting on Tuesday, December 13. Board members reviewed financial and architectural considerations including the addition of vestibules that will provide more secure entrances at every school, building repairs and renovations, repurposing space for mental health related uses and improving competitive and community athletic resources.

Project details and financials are still being defined, but a preliminary look is available on the 2023 Capital Project webpage under related files titled “Capital Project Presentation to the BOE December 13, 2022.” As further updates become available, they will also be posted on this webpage.

The Board of Education will meet again on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 7 p.m. in the McCluski Room at Barker Road Middle School.

December 12, 2022

The Board of Education is currently working on a capital improvement project that will likely go to residents for a vote this spring. The goals of the project include more security at front entrances, and creating physical plant equity between both high schools and both middle schools.

There are improvements being planned for each school, all at varying scales. Mendon High School (classroom additions, replacing flooring, updating swimming pool, installing pickleball courts) and Barker Road Middle School (reconfiguring various areas, removing portable classrooms, decommissioning pool, create field events area) will receive the most attention while other schools will get roof repairs, generators, HVAC improvements, locker room renovations, and new mental health spaces. The budget and details are currently being refined and determined.

Here is the projected timing/schedule:

2022 May - December Planning
2023 January - February   State Environmental Quality Reviews
  January - February Community Forums
  March Community Vote
  October First submission to SED
2024 February First contractor bids submitted
  April - 2027 Construction