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Curriculum and Instruction

Heather Clayton
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction

Elizabeth Norten
Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction

Contact the Curriculum Office


PCSD Curriculum Mission Statements

The mission of our curriculum is to engage all learners in authentic rigorous learning experiences, so that upon graduation, students will be able to independently use their learning to achieve their goals and become contributing members of a global society.

Click on the file below to view the District's Curriculum Mission Statement and the Mission Statements for each curricular area in alphabetical order.

Pittsford Schools Curriculum Mission Statement Booklet

The Instructional Hub

Instructional Hub

The Instructional Hub, contains descriptors of over 30 high leverage instructional moves that can be used in any classroom. Each one of the instructional moves has been crossed walked against three key documents (Pittsford’s Next Generation Skills, New York State’s SEL Benchmarks, and New York State’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework) to ensure that when used with integrity in the classroom they are culturally responsive in nature AND they support the development of one or more of the SEL Benchmarks and one or more of our Next Generation Skills. The use of the Instructional Hub as a resource to inform instructional experiences is one way that Pittsford is striving to meet the goal of engaging all students in rigorous, authentic learning experiences.

Engaging all Learners