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Instructional Challenge


The mission of Instructional Challenge in Pittsford Central School District is to provide regular opportunities for gifted and high performing students to work with like ability peers to grow cognitively and affectively so that they will develop their abilities and talents.                                

As a result of participating in the PCSD Instructional Challenge program, students will be able to independently …

  • demonstrate self-understanding with respect to their interests, strengths and needs;
  • develop identities supportive of achievement;
  • effectively interact with individuals of various gifts, talents, abilities and strengths;
  • think critically and creatively to pose questions and solve meaningful problems;
  • develop knowledge and skills for being productive in a multicultural, diverse and global society.

Instructional Challenge Continuum of Services

Services for Gifted and Talented Students

The vision of Pittsford Central Schools is "as an educational leader with uncompromising commitment and passion for excellence, Pittsford Central Schools will deliver quality programs and services that maximize each child's academic performance and personal development, and provide for their future success." To maximize the success and achievement of gifted and high performing students, Pittsford Schools offer gifted services to identify student needs and develop and support program options to meet those needs.

Click on the different headings in the boxes below for more information.

 Click here for Elementary Continuum of Services 

Middle Schools

High Schools

Differentiation of Instruction



Best Practices


Data Driven Small Group Extensions


Individual Options

(Whole Grade acceleration, single subject acceleration)

Course Acceleration

Extracurricular Activities (clubs, competitions)


Instructional Challenge Specialists:

Allen Creek Elementary: Sherri Roberts 585-267-1208,

Jefferson Road Elementary: Sherri Roberts 585-267-1308,

Mendon Center Elementary:  Sandy Stewart (Standards Leader) 585-267-1408,

Park Road Elementary:  Lisa Sahrle 585-267-1508,

Thornell Road Elementary:  Johanna Mahan 585-267-1708,

BRMS/CRMS:  Emily Bylund 585-267-3935,