Senior Inquiry
The Inquiry reflects the culmination of the English curriculum at PCSD and strives to engage students’ imaginations, creativity, and passions.
Every senior will generate a question or problem and, informed by planning, sustained inquiry, and research, will articulate a position on the question or problem. Students will draw from their journey of learning, their reading and reflection, to make a statement that serves as their own insight and response to their overarching question, given the work they’ve done to date.
Students will share the results of their inquiry in writing and in a media-supported presentation. The presentation should not be a mere reading of their paper, but rather recognize the different audiences of a live presentation compared to a written piece. The student inquiry could take many forms—a traditional academic inquiry, an Advocacy Project, Passion Project, narrative search (i.e., I-Search), creative project, or other appropriate teacher-approved formats.