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Physical Education


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The mission of the physical education curriculum is to engage students in authentic learning experiences that develop the physical, social, emotional and cognitive skills necessary for all students to be healthy and active for their lifetime.

We believe a comprehensive K-12 curriculum offers…

  • developmentally appropriate tools necessary to help students set and achieve their individual fitness goals; 
  • rigorous authentic experiences and is responsive to all learners regardless of ability;
  • next generation learning skills that fosters positive character development.                                    

As a result of participating in the PCSD Physical Education program, students will be able to independently …

  •  participate regularly in a variety of physical activities as a valuable lifelong skill to promote wellness and health;
  •  create and evaluate the effectiveness of a personal fitness plan over time and make necessary adjustments as needed;
  •  demonstrate creative problem solving, communication, responsible risk taking, perseverance, ethical decision making, sportsmanship, empathy and leadership in a real-world setting;
  •  contribute to group problem solving and creative endeavors that develop social expression, and enjoyment;
  •  apply knowledge and demonstrate competency in a variety of physical activities. 

Click to go to the PCSD Mission Statement page for full mission statements for all curricular areas.

Related Files

Brain Gym Podcasts

This is a link to the PCSD Brain Gym Podcast site. There are currently 8 podcasts to use with your class.

Staff Concussion Training

Each year Physical education staff and coaches need to be trained using the CDC Heads-Up training modules. Staff are directed to complete the training and submit their course completion certificate to the PE Standards Leader by the end of September.