Social Studies
The mission of social studies education in Pittsford Central School District is to develop responsible and productive citizens who will:
- Strive for understanding of political, social and economic issues.
- Make informed and reasoned decisions for the good of society.
- Participate as members of a culturally diverse society in an interdependent world.
As a result of participating in the PCSD Social Studies program, students will be able to independently …
- participate actively and effectively as an informed citizen of a democracy;
- critically appraise historical and contemporary claims/decisions/issues;
- respect diverse cultures and honor equality and human dignity;
- apply lessons of the past in order to anticipate and prepare for the future;
- analyze the complex interactions between humans and the environment;
- apply economic principals to solve complex problems.
Race, Class, and Inequities Curriculum Inquiry Work
The Race, Class, and Inequities Curriculum Project was developed in response to the commitment made by all area Superintendents in June, 2020 to stand together against racism. Part of that commitment included the promise to develop common units of study to be included in the 8th and 11th grade social studies curriculum across all Monroe County schools that will focus on how race, class and inequities have shaped Monroe County from 1964 to today. The writing of these inquiry-based units of study was organized and led by a partnership between BOCES and the University of Rochester and involved a team of writers representing all 19 Monroe County school districts and the Rochester City School District. These inquiries, which are being piloted on a limited basis in Pittsford classrooms this spring are still in DRAFT form. Teachers who are piloting them will provide feedback to the writers before these are moved into their final form next year. Individual teachers piloting these inquiries also retain discretion to remove a source or activity if it mirrors something previously taught in their class this year.