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Bio Diesel & Other Transportation Projects

The PCSD Transportation Department strives to practice the 3 R's- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.


  • Buses use bio diesel fuel
  • Bus pollutants: minimize idle time
  • Buses are equipped with the latest emission standards 
  • Combine trips/ shuttles
  • Reduce particulates by decreasing brake and tire wear of buses
  • Reduce bus exhaust particulates with equipment retro fits
  • Extended service intervals ( oil & antifreeze, etc)
  • Shop pollutants: switched to bio degradable soaps and solvents
  • Switched to recycling solvent type parts washer

Reuse :

Where possible, bus parts are rebuilt including alternators, starters, air dryer cartridges, tires, brake shoes, air valves, instrument clusters, transmissions. This allows for conservation of the raw materials such as steel, copper and aluminum.


  • Fluids; antifreeze, oil
  • Brake linings
  • Oil, trans, fuel filters
  • Parts cleaning solvent
  • Tires
  • Catalytic converters
  • Batteries

In addition,  we lower our carbon footprint by maintaining a vehicle to increase its' life cycle up to 10 years of service. The vehicle is then sold "as is" and typically goes to another entity , typically South America, where it continues service for more years. Overall, a school bus requires many raw materials to initially produce but pays out dividends on the raw materials and lowered carbon footprint owing to its sturdy engineering practices and sound owner maintenance.

Safe Routes to School

PCSD assisted the town in obtaining a Safe Routes to School grant to provide sidewalks and minimize parent drop off fuel consumption and emissions.