Special Education Process
Special Education Services
The District Special Education Department is committed to a partnership with parents, families and school district personnel in the education of children. Questions about special education services or processes can be directed to the Director of Special Education at 267-1014.
The mission of the Special Education Department is to support diverse learners and to foster an inclusive culture within our schools and community. Through a network of supports, students with disabilities are empowered to identify, pursue, and fulfill their personal aspirations as they participate in our global society.
What is Special Education?
Special Education services are specially designed individualized or group instruction, special services, or programs to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. Special Education programs and services are provided for eligible students, ages 3-21, without cost to the parent.
Who do I call for questions about making a referral to the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or the Section 504 Committee?
If you suspect that your child has a disability and may need special education services or accommodation, please communicate your concerns to:
- Classroom teacher: The best initial contact regarding student progress and performance in the school setting.
- Student Services Teacher (SST) at your child's school: SST facilitates referrals to the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or 504 team. If your concerns continue, after working with the classroom team, the Student Services Teacher can help to discuss other options, including a referral to the CSE or 504 team. Click here for SST contact information.
- CSE Coordinator: Coordinates the CSE and 504 processes at the District level and can answer further questions or address concerns related to the referral process.
Who do I call for questions about making a referral to the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)?
If you suspect that your 3-, 4- or 5-year-old child who has not yet entered kindergarten has a disability and may need special education services, please contact the CPSE Coordinator, who can assist with answering your questions about this process.
More information regarding your rights is set forth in the New York State Education Department’s Parent’s Guide to Special Education in New York State for Children Ages 3-21, available at
For concerns about children under the age of 3, please contact the Early Intervention office in the County of your residence.