Reopening Forums
Fall 2020 Reopening of Schools Q&A
The below question and answer documents serve to address questions and concerns regarding issues related to COVID-19 and the reopening of schools. The District's plan as related to COVID-19 is based on NYS Guidance that outlines the mandatory steps schools must take in response to COVID-19. PCSD will monitor and adjust the plan in response to changes in guidance from NYS as they occur.
Thank you to our parents and staff members who have submitted questions about the reopening plans for schools. If you submitted a question, it was categorized, answered and posted as an update to the Q&A. It is likely your question will not appear verbatim, so please read it carefully.
As of August 14, 2020, we have created a Q&A Part II that includes information about health, safety and COVID-19 protocols. The Q&A Part I provides information about the Temporary Learning Models.
Please remember, this is a temporary situation, and while school and life as we know it has changed, we will get through this together.