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Registration and Records

Student Records

Procedures for Review of Student Records by Parent, Guardian or Student

  1. Requests to review student records are made by completing a "Request to Review Student Records" form located in each building’s main office and submitting it to the building principal.
  2. Within two (2) school days, the building principal or designee will contact the parents to schedule an appointment to review the records.
  3. The building principal, school counselor or school nurse will be present during the appointment to answer any questions that the parent, guardian or student may have regarding the school records, and to ensure records remain intact.
  4. Requests for copies of selected documents may be made during the appointment. The copies will be made within two (2) school days at the current fee rate. The parent, guardian or student will be contacted when the copies are available.

Parental Rights Regarding Student Information and Educational Records

Under provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PRPA) and the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), parents and guardians must be notified of their rights annually with regard to student records and information.

Student Records Forms

To request a student transcript or other educational records, please contact the registrar at the high school you attended.

Pittsford Mendon High School Registrar

Kristin Rohlfs
Phone: 585.267.1627
MHS Transcript Requests

Pittsford Sutherland High School Registrar
Maria Romeo
Phone: 585.267.1127
SHS Transcript Requests