Individual Initiatives
Professional staff members may receive up to 12 hours per year of Teacher Center credit for professional learning that takes place outside the district. These hours are called individual initiatives and require your supervisor’s approval. In order to be counted as an individual initiative, the professional learning must take place outside the regular work day and be aligned to the staff member’s professional learning goals.
Process for Obtaining Individual Initiative Credit:
1. Staff member completes the Individual Initiative Request form and submits it to his/her principal electronically or in hard copy. The form is available at the bottom of this page.
2. If approved, the building principal forwards the information to the Teacher Center.
3. The Teacher Center creates an activity in WinCap PD for the individual initiative form.
4. After the PD is completed, the staff member sends a certificate of completion, or other acceptable proof of attendance, to the Teacher Center in order for credit to be granted.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I receive individual initiative credit retroactively for professional learning?
Yes. Although it is recommended that you receive approval prior to participating in the outside PD, you can receive credit for the hours with your principal’s approval as long as the request is coming within the same school year. You must have a certificate of completion or other evidence of attendance that can be submitted to the Teacher Center before credit can be granted.
Can SRPs receive credit for participating in out-of-district professional learning?
No. At this time, individual initiatives are available to professional staff members only as part of the contractual requirement to complete the required number of hours each year. SRPs may participate in appropriate TC offerings and must also complete a six-hour work day in their building each summer.
Can I receive TC credit for out-of-district professional learning if the district is paying for it?
Yes. It does not matter who is paying for the professional learning. A principal may approve any hours that relate to a professional staff member’s individual professional learning needs regardless of funding.