Data Team
The Data Team is responsible for monitoring, reporting and analyzing data within database systems. The Team researches and analyzes data with the goal of simplifying complex information to support meaningful decisions. Examples of this can be found at the bottom of this page.
Data Team Members Directory:
Dr. Jeff Cimmerer, Chief Information Officer
Donna Hansen, Assistant to the CIO
Erik Halbritter, Computer Application Specialist
Jami Kogler, Senior Computer Application Specialist
Donna Larson, Computer Application Specialist
Heather Hanrahan-Waterman, Assessment Clerk
Data Team Belief Statements:
- We turn data into knowledge.
- We are creative, problem-solving experts who can inform, inspire, and impact teaching and learning.
- Our research and data analysis simplifies complex information to support meaningful decision making.
- Our work leads to innovation and drives future success.
- We use an approachable, collaborative process to assist with integrating information systems and processes that promote synergy.
- Our work provides opportunities for students, staff, and the organization to determine potential areas of growth.
- Our efforts generate increased efficiencies.
- A caring environment and stakeholder service focused attitude will foster work that makes a significant difference in our school district.
Common Goals:
- To develop a set of shared beliefs for the data team that includes group norms and clear communication methods.
- To establish a system of data visualization for students, parents, faculty, staff, and external stakeholders.
- To identify the essential data elements for use at the individual, classroom, building, and district levels of engagement.
- To implement an effective department structure that includes: planned cross training, backup systems, improved efficiencies, unneeded duplication of effort, and documented work processes.
- To compile, evaluate, standardize, illustrate, and disseminate data encompassing four central information domains: demographic, achievement, school processes, and perceptual.
- To facilitate easy access to data systems, while protecting sensitive personally identifiable information.
- To promote cybersecurity best practices surrounding data storage and data usage.
Student Data Systems:
ASAP Regents Scoring
ELL NYSITELL Screening Tools
ELL Student Reporting Title I / Part 154
ID Credentials Student ID Badge System
Infinite Campus Student Management System
Tableau Data Visualization Software
Teleform OCR Scoring for State Assessments
Financial/Human Resource/Payroll/Benefits
Smartfind Express Substitute Data Reports
New York State Data Warehouse
New York State Assessment
Computer Based Testing
Paper Based Testing
Business Portal
New York State Reporting Systems: WNYRIC Level 1, L2RPT
Data Collection
Civil Rights Survey
Enrollment Projections
High School Profile Report
Survey Monkey
- Committee surveys
- Alumni surveys
- Youth Risk Behavior surveys
- Budget Poll Exit survey
- Qualtrics
- Digital Equity survey
- Transportation survey
Data Management
Microsoft Office Applications