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A Message from Superintendent Pero: The April 8 Solar Eclipse
High school student with elementary student working on a project.
Girl with viewing glasses on.
Students on stage with model of the earth and moon in their hands.







Western New York is preparing for the April 8 Great North American Eclipse with extensive preparations to ensure both fun and safety for all.

As one of the most important celestial events for skywatchers around the world, Rochester, NY, will be in the path of totality for the first time in 99 years. In anticipation of an influx of visitors to our area, we are collaborating with the Town and Village of Pittsford to share ideas, resources and concerns.

Concerns about safety in viewing areas, such as the parks and canal, have been raised due to expected heavy traffic and its impact on accessibility for emergency responders if needed. We are working together to increase the number of viewing areas around Pittsford to disperse traffic to different areas. The Town has created a map of the best viewing areas in Pittsford, which you can access here: Eclipse Map_Pittsford.pdf.  

Here are some of the parking and viewing areas:  

  • Mendon High School fields (including turf) and parking lots will be open
  • Sutherland High School (including turf) and parking lots will be open
    • All other schools will be closed to vehicles- no parking
  • Spiegel Center parking lot will be open

The Speigel Center, Sutherland High School or the Pickle Factory are good options to park should you want to walk to Village or the canal.

In addition, we are sharing these important considerations to make your astrological viewing experience exceptional:

  • If you plan to park at Sutherland High School for viewing, remember it is about a 10-15 minute walk to the canal from the school.
  • The District will have porta-potties and garbage cans around the school properties. Please be considerate as students will be on campus for school the very next day.
  • The Monroe County Sheriff's Office asks us to be alert during this period as it is an opportune time for crime. Please be sure to lock your vehicle and stow your belongings out of sight.
  • Be cognizant that due to the stress on the cellphone network, phone access may be limited during this period.
  • Please visit the Rochester Museum and Science Center for complete details including how to get your viewing glasses at ROCHESTER

With this event quickly approaching, PCSD science classes have integrated eclipse-based facts, activities and fun into learning. The Mendon High School Astronomy class visited fifth grade classes to teach students about some eclipse facts and concepts. Students were able to model what the corona of the sun will look like during totality using paper and chalk; model the position of the sun, moon and earth during the eclipse; build a sundial; learn about how to safely view the eclipse; and learn about the parts of the sun. The Astronomy students were excited to share their knowledge on the subject with an eager-to-learn crowd.

One of the local highlights during the eclipse weekend will be the Calkins Road Middle School musical, “Midnight at Midday, the Musical Tales of an Eclipse,” written by Pittsford Schools’ own John Beel. The story revolves around seven strangers bonding during the eclipse, with original songs composed by Casey Filiaci. The musical, which has caught the attention of local and national media, will be on stage April 6 at 7 p.m. and April 7 at 2:07 p.m. at Calkins Road Middle School. Families and the general public are invited to purchase tickets for $15 at Calkins Road Middle School Drama Club.

This unique production, coupled with the approaching eclipse, has strengthened the community's sense of connection and will leave a lasting impact. It is heartening to witness the community's enthusiastic participation and collaboration during this once-in-a-lifetime event. I can’t think of a better opportunity for experiential learning that students, staff and families can pass on as eyewitness testimonies retold for generations to come!