During a two-day workshop this summer, administrators, Board of Education members, principals, teachers, paraprofessionals, PTSA leadership and community members came together as part of the District Leadership Team to work on the Strategic Initiative and how it ties into the NYS Education Department’s (NYSED) Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CR-SE) framework, the NYSED Social Emotional Learning (SEL) benchmarks and Pittsford’s identified Next Generation Skills.
The team analyzed how each of these three significant objectives share a connection to each other and to the Pittsford Schools’ revised Strategic Initiative:
“Engage students in the learning by increasing rigor and authenticity through the development and use of:
- Instructional moves that allow for students to be involved in complex and challenging thinking;
- Practices that create a welcoming and affirming environment;
- Curriculum and dynamic structures that require integrative thinking and a global perspective/involvement.”
Leadership Team members were excited to shift their attention back to the Strategic Initiative after it was put on hold for the last few years due to COVID-19 and related factors that were more urgent in nature. Coming out of a period of time characterized by high stress and disrupted learning, a primary goal of the Strategic Initiative for 2023 is to be intentional in providing authentic experiences for students that reflect increased rigor and student engagement. An emphasis was also placed on the goal to continue to heighten practices that create a welcoming and affirming environment for all.
Leadership Team members discussed ways to meet these expectations and the increased demands placed on educators by working smarter while being cognizant of the pacing of this multi-year initiative and the importance of utilizing current structures such as All-staff Opening Day, Superintendent Conference Days, and building- and District-level meeting times to collaborate with and learn from each other.
The official roll-out of the revised Strategic Initiative took place on All-staff Opening Day on September 5. Focus on the Strategic Initiative roll-out will help determine the sequence, pacing, and timing of collective learning among teachers and staff throughout the year.