Fiscal responsibility and stability are top priorities for Pittsford Central School District. The District’s ongoing success in maintaining fiscal wellbeing was recognized with an Aa1 credit rating from Moody's Investors Service. The Aa1 rating has been consistently awarded to Pittsford Schools for more than 25 years and is the second highest rating a school district can attain. It reflects strong financial operations supported by conservative budget practices in support of the District’s fiscal commitment to Pittsford taxpayers.
Similar to a personal credit rating score, the District’s Aa1 rating reflects financial stability and health, and as a result affords the District favorable borrowing terms (including lower interest rates) when PCSD residents vote to approve debt issuance in potential capital projects.
Below are highlights from the 2024 credit analysis published by Moody’s Investors Service:
- The credit position of PCSD is very strong. The Aa1 rating is above the U.S. school district median.
- Key credit factors PCSD demonstrated in order to earn an Aa1 rating included a strong local economy, a healthy reserve position, and very modest fixed costs.