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“I Am Pittsford Schools”: Our Staff

Last year, Pittsford Central School District released a video highlighting the diversity of backgrounds that make up the student body at Pittsford Schools. Students of different ages, abilities, and gender identities shared in their own voices their unique stories. These genuine testimonies shared by these young learners not only resonated with their peers but the wider community.

The dedicated Pittsford Schools staff also represent a diverse group of professionals, including teachers, administrators, and support staff. They play an integral role in delivering quality educational content, guiding students in their academic pursuits, and leading by example by demonstrating kindness and empathy.

Pittsford Central School District works to bring people together to create a sense of belonging, connection, and shared purpose. Hear from our staff about what Pittsford Schools means to them and how they are part of a community that strives to create a welcoming and affirming environment.

Check out the “I Am Pittsford Schools” video featuring our students.