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Pittsford is in National Spotlight for the CRMS Musical “Midnight at Midday: The Musical Tales of an Eclipse”

It’s not every day that a middle school musical makes the national news. But, if you follow Good Morning America, CBS Nightly News or The New York Times, students from the Calkins Road Middle School musical, “Midnight at Midday: The Musical Tales of an Eclipse,” were front and center in some national news coverage of the Great North American Eclipse. The process of bringing this original musical to life was told in images and stories captured by news and film crews bustling around the set, the school, and the greater Rochester Community as they shared some small-town magic occurring during the larger-than-life total solar eclipse event.

“The excitement around the eclipse and this musical was palpable,” said Superintendent Michael Pero. “It is fitting that Pittsford was in the path of totality for the eclipse since the convergence of hard work, creativity and talent shined on stage just days before the celestial event. Both the eclipse and the musical are sure to illuminate the minds and hearts of generations to come,” he said.

The heartfelt script of “Midnight at Midday: The Musical Tales of an Eclipse,” was written by Calkins Road teacher John Beel and tells the story of several strangers who meet at the moment of totality. It is rich with science and folklore from around the world, with a distinct Rochester flavor. The music, by award-winning composer Casey Filiaci, features a dozen original songs that capture the magic and mystery of the eclipse experience and the joy of human connection. 

The musical captured the interest, and talent, of local celebrities as well who did cameos as music executive personnel during the live musical performances in January and April 2024. Taking turns gracing the stage were Debra Ross, chair of Rochester’s 2024 eclipse task force, founder/publisher of, and Friday morning guest on WARM 101.3; Hope from 92.5 WBEE’s “The Bee Morning Coffee Club;” WXXI’s Scott Fybush, a reporter and host of “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered;” and former local news anchor and longtime reporter Rebecca Leclair. During all shows, the voice of Thad Brown, Sports Director at News 8 WROC, could be heard as the voice of the radio announcer.  

View some of the national footage using the links below:

Solar eclipse brings tourism boom | Monday’s total solar eclipse is providing communities like Rochester, New York, an opportunity to showcase their small businesses as visitors travel to... | By CBS Evening News with Norah O'DonnellFacebook | Facebook

 A group of people standing on a stageDescription automatically generated A group of people sitting around a round tableDescription automatically generated
New York Times writer Christopher Maag jots
down notes and interviews 
John Beel and
cast members as they prepare for their final performance on April 7, 2024  

A person standing in a theaterDescription automatically generated
Award-winning documentary filmmakers from NYC
filmed parts of the musical to include in a documentary about the eclipse

 A group of people on a stageDescription automatically generated
The musical's cast, crew and orchestra appeared on Good Morning America exclaiming
"We're watching the eclipse in Pittsford, New York - Midnight at Midday!"