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Pittsford Schools’ Security Officer Recognized with Pittsford Pride - Excellence in Service Award

Security officer Alejandra Washington accepts her award

Congratulations to Pittsford Schools’ security officer Alejandra Washington who received the Pittsford Pride – Excellence in Service Award at the November 28, 2023, Board of Education meeting. Superintendent Pero and the Board of Education awarded her this recognition for consistently going above and beyond in her role with Pittsford Schools. “It is your consistent commitment to keeping our buildings, staff, visitors, and students safe that has led to this recognition,” said Superintendent Pero.

Washington’s dedication, willingness to be on the job outside of regular hours at a moment’s notice, and positive attitude led to her being nominated for this award. “You have become our eyes and ears on weekends, late evenings, and early morning hours. It is through your actions that you have deterred harm to our buildings while supporting our school community,” said Superintendent Pero.

As a security officer, Washington ensures Pittsford schools are secure by inspecting buildings and grounds for anything suspicious, checking windows and locks, responding to fire alarms, assisting law enforcement when needed, and supporting athletic events and other school functions. Washington also accepts additional shift assignments when other security officers are out or there is a need for her services. “We are especially grateful for the security you provide all of us during our Board of Education meetings and are fortunate to have you on our team,” said Superintendent Pero on behalf of the Board of Education and administration.